NoteCase Pro

Take NoteCase Pro wherever you go: Multi-platform: use the same program at home, at the office, and on your mobile device: Scripting: Scriptable using the popular embedded Lua scripting engine, with scripts either embedded or in separate files: Assign scripts to keyboard shortcuts and toolbar icons. Showing 1-20 of 554 topics. Popup Window while Autosaving: Frank W: 3/16/21: How do i sync with Android?

  1. Notecase Pro License

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Pages: 12>

Posted by Jon Polish
Nov 2, 2012 at 01:08 PM

I have purchased licenses for both and have formed opinions about which suits me better. NoteCase Pro is deceptive in appearance because it is surprisingly feature-rich. It works on multiple platforms (I do not need this) and imports and exports many legacy formats (I may use this, but not likely). It has cloning which is very useful. While it can do almost everything you could expect, you have to take the LONG way around to accomplish what you can in other programs in one or two clicks. An example is simple tagging. Tagging should be simple. Too many steps are involved. The tree and list views are useful (RightNote has one view) and can display columns. However, the column data is not editable in these views and setting up and using custom columns is horrendous.

RightNote is heavily influenced by KeyNote and that is generally a good thing. It lacks the ability to clone, but other functions are more streamlined. So many programs of this genre lack the ability to select more than one node at a time, and this is true of both RightNote and NoteCase Pro. Yes, I know both programs offer ways to do this, but they are extremely clumsy and not intuitive. RightNote also has the ability to capture url information from Opera which NoteCase currently cannot do (I asked the developer about incorporating this in NoteCase Pro and he was very receptive). However, I discovered that RightNote MUST be opened before the browser in order to capture correctly. Tagging is easy.

The intended use is for writing and research.

Are there other people experienced enough with both of these to provide me with an informed opinion?



Posted by Jon Polish
Nov 2, 2012 at 02:35 PM

I should also point out that while tagging is extremely cumbersome in NoteCase, filtering the tagged items is a breeze. There are multiple ways of doing this, and there is a tag cloud which can be disabled. The likelihood of me using tags in NoteCase is diminished by the chore of actually tagging the items, so I guess the benefits of filtering and the tag cloud are diminished.


Posted by Dr Andus
Nov 2, 2012 at 03:17 PM

Jon Polish wrote:
>The intended use
>is for writing and research.

Does that mean you have given up on WhizFolders then?

Obviously “writing and research” is a huge category and there might be dozens if not hundreds of tools targeting that area. Could you perhaps spell out how you settled on RightNote vs. NoteCase Pro in the end (what your selection criteria are)?

Posted by WSP
Nov 2, 2012 at 03:34 PM

MyInfo is my main note-taker, but I bought a license for RightNote recently because it looks promising. So far I’ve used it mainly for its virtual notes feature. I have a lot of miscellaneous files in various formats (mostly pdf, txt, and rtf) scattered around my hard disk, and it’s nice to link them to a RightNote file and then be able to search them easily. The RightNote searches are extremely fast and show words/phrases in context. It’s also possible to edit the txt and rtf files from within RightNote. Bear in mind that these files are not swallowed up by RightNote; any editing you do will alter the original files in their original directories. RightNote simply provides a means of viewing, organizing, and editing scattered, miscellaneous files from within one centralized piece of software.

NoteCase Pro

Evernote lets you do something approximately like this, but it actually absorbs the various files into the EN file, which will eventually become spectacularly large if you try to do it very often, whereas the RightNote file remains modest in size, because it’s not bringing in these external files, merely indexing them and making them accessible through a virtual link.

As for more general note-taking, MyInfo seems to me to offer greater advantages.


Posted by Jon Polish
Nov 2, 2012 at 04:29 PM

NoteCase Pro

Dr. Andus:

No, I continue to use WhizFolders for writing chunks of text to be refined (re-organized) in WhizFolders later. I continue to rely extensively on UR and InfoQube for storing, organizing and retrieving information. But like all of us, I like to explore what else is out there that might be valuable. I really like the way I can clip stuff from the web into RightNote.


I use a similar approach. It is flexible and effective. I can do the same thing in UR but RightNote is simpler, and sometimes that is better for me. Like you, I bought a license to explore the program more extensively. I liked KeyNote, and this is very similar. I’m not committed to it as I am with UR, IQ and WF Just kicking the tires and bothering others for their opinions.


Pages: 12>

NoteCase Pro Lite is the free version of a commercial program for collecting, organising and managing your text notes.

Individual notes can have simple formatting (bold, italic, underline, colour, font/ font size, text alignment) and you're able to insert images. There are lots of restrictions when compared to the commercial builds - no spellcheck, autocomplete, bulleted lists, audio embedding/ recording/ playback etc - but if you're used to using Notepad then it'll still seem impressive.

Notes can be organised into lists or trees. A bookmarking scheme helps you locate anything important, and there's also a powerful 'Find' option. Again, it's not as powerful as the commercial builds, but there's still more than enough functionality to be useful.

NoteCase Pro Lite's best feature is probably its ability to import data from more than 30 file formats, including Evernote, XMind, TreePad, Tomboy, FreeMind, MindManager and more - great if you need to migrate your data from some other application.

Documents may be exported for sharing with others, too. There's only support for a few formats here - TXT, RTF, OPML, HTML - but you do get some control over the results, so for example exported HTML files can display your notes in their original tree form.

The Lite build does have a lot of restrictions, some quite major (no image resizing, no printing). Annoyingly, the interface doesn't highlight unavailable features, which means you'll soon become very familiar with the 'can't do that in this version' dialog. But if you like the program then you can upgrade to a commercial build for anything from $5 (Android, lifetime licence) to around $75 (all platforms, lifetime licence).

Version 4.0.8 is a bug fix release (changes).


Notecase Pro License

The Lite build has some major restrictions, but it's still usable enough, and if you need NoteCase Pro Lite's wide Import format support then the program is worth a try.