Best Magnet For Magnet Fishing

What's the best magnet for magnet fishing? On this Day in the Life I take a look at some of the magnets from the world's leader in Magnet Fishing innovation. Brute Magnetics Round Neodymium Magnet This Brute Magnetics Round Neodymium Magnet is the best magnet for magnet fishing in the market. This product is made by the famous magnet maker brute magnetics. Having some cool features and advantages made it the best magnet available in the market.

  1. Best Magnet For Magnet Fishing Reddit
  2. Best Style Magnet For Magnet Fishing
  3. Best Magnet For Magnet Fishing Videos

Choosing the right fishing magnet

Before selecting one out of the range of possible magnet fishing magnets on the market please take a look at our professional selection. With this you won’t do beginner’s mistakes and save your money. The main thing is to only look at neodymium fishing magnets because these kind of magnets have a lot of pulling force and are comparatively cheap to buy.

Neodymium fishing magnets are made out of (obviously) neodymium, also iron and boron. They are in the category of the strongest magnets of the world. It is really fascinating how much pulling force a magnet with a diameter of 2.75 INCH (70mm) can generate. We heard from magnets with less than 2.7 INCH diameter and a few hundred KG pulling force – just stunning.

Best magnet size

Size doesn’t really matter at all when you want to find the best magnet for fishing. Important is that your magnet fishing magnets isn’t that small. We empirically found out that fishing magnets with a diameter of 2.35 INCH (60mm) or less don’t bring good findings. The magnetic surface is just too small to catch enough things under water. Even though it is clearly possible to catch all kind of small things but believe us you don’t just want these small things. If you ever want to catch a safe, bicycles or even bigger things you need a bigger surface on your neodymium fishing magnet.

Our recommendated magnets for beginners are highlited in blue boxes on this page.These magnets got a well sized surface and a quite good pulling force with a very nice price at the moment. If you want to start with an even bigger fishing magnet in a kind of professional division we recommend the following magnets with way more surface to catch more or heavier things out of the water.

Which pulling force?

Most times beginners ask us about the pulling force because they want to afford a fishing magnet with the most force they can find to buy in the internet. But most people don’t consider the following: If you buy a fishing magnet with a pulling force of +400 KG you may be able to barely move the caught object in the water. However if your name isn’t Hulk (which we believe it isn’t) you will never be able to pull +400 Kilogram out of the water onto the bridge from where you are fishing. So in this case you maybe have to cut your rope and already lost your first magnet.

If you don’t want to lose your magnet, buy one with a pulling force you are able to move around. Because things in the water are much lighter than beyond it we recommend magnets with a force of 150 – 200 KG. Most people are able to move objects with this weight in water. If it is one day not possible for your to pull something outside of the water just move the find to the surrounding and manually unplug your magnet so save it. Don’t fret! We only use fishing magnets with a force of 150-200 KG and (until now) never lost a magnets in years of magnet fishing.

Why the magnet form matters

If you take a look at the typical neodymium fishing magnets you will see that there are more or less two shapes of them. The angular and the round ones. We prefer the round ones because me made better experiences with these magnets. Most magnet fishers do the same. Pes 2012 mod 2018. You rarely see magnet fishers with angular shaped magnets on YouTube or even face to face.

What you should know about fishing magnets

Before you buy a fishing magnet you should consider the things mentioned above and that your magnet should have an eyelet to fix the rope. All other solutions to fix the rope will end up in losing it in the water. All magnets recommended from us got an eyelet! Second and last but not least important thing is to buy a proper rope. Some fishing magnets will be delivered with a rope, the most not.

Here is your place for the best ropes.

Further gear

After a few times magnet fishing you will know if it’s fun for you and whether you want to go further and professionalise your rig. If so we first recommend to buy some (like second/third gear) magnets and ropes as a backup. After that we bought a grapple for our gear. Our main idea behind that was to get for example bicycles easier out of the water. But we noticed that grapples are excellent to detach magnets if it’s not possible to do that per hand. In this case you can use your grapple as lever to remove the sticky magnet.

What’s The Best Magnet For Magnet Fishing?

Want to know which is the best magnet for magnet fishing?

The quick answer is: it depends. It depends on your budget, how big and strong you want your magnet to be, and what features you need. You may even need more than one magnet depending on your method and what you’re trying to fish out. In the following sections, we cover the must-haves that we consider to be the minimum requirements for your magnet fishing magnet, and reveal our top magnet picks so you can choose wisely.

Must-Have Features For Your Magnet

Whichever magnet you choose, make sure it has all of these features at minimum.

  • Neodymium Magnet (NdFeB)
  • N42 Grade or higher
  • Strong Coating (NiCuNi) with A3 Stainless Steel Cover
  • Fasteners - Countersunk hole & eyebolt
  • Pulling force at least 500lbs (226kg)

Neodymium Magnet (NdFeB)

Not all magnets are equal. The magnet to use for magnet fishing should be made out of an alloy of neodymium(Nd), iron(Fe), and boron(b) combined to form (NdFeB). Neodymium magnets are the strongest type of permanent magnets (which means they create their own magnetic field with no need for an electric current) available on the commercial market.

N42 Grade Magnetic Field Strength

Look for magnets with at least a grade of N42. Without getting scientific, the grade is the magnetic field strength; for example, if you have two neodymium magnets of equal size, the one with a higher N-grade has a stronger pulling force.

Strong Coating (NiCuNi) & A3 Stainless Steel Cover

You don’t want your neodymium magnet to corrode and lose its strength. Look for a magnet that is coated in plated nickel(Ni), copper (Cu), and nickel (Ni). The NiCuNi coating provides protection from corrosion, and keeps the magnet from losing its magnetic force. The A3 grade stainless steel cover encases the entire magnet in one neat and durable package.

Fasteners – Countersunk hole & eyebolt

Strongest magnet for magnet fishing

You want the ability to tie or attach anything to your magnet. A magnet with a countersunk hole is best so you can screw in an eyebolt, hook, or a regular bolt. With this, you can attach your magnet to any rig.

Pulling force of at least 500lbs (226kg)

Generally, the bigger and stronger the magnet, the more expensive it gets.

If you’re just starting out, start with a 500lbs capable magnet. This will satisfy the majority of hauls without feeling like you’re missing out. 500lbs is still a very strong magnet.

If you want to get any magnet fishing job done, then go with a 800lbs (362kg).

If you love the extreme, then go with a 1000lbs pull force (453kg).

If you’re tactical, you can go with a double sided magnet. These types tend to have weaker power per side, but they are great if you’re scanning the bottom and will increase the chances of you finding something. Once you’ve got something big and heavy (hopefully a safe full of gold bullion and diamonds, or a bag full of automatic assault rifles) then you can send in your 1000lbs magnet to help finish the job.

Our Picks Of The Best Magnets

Here are our top picks for the best magnets for magnet fishing that meet our list of must-haves and minimum requirements.

500+ lbs (226kg) Pulling Force

Best magnet for magnet fishing kit
We suggest that 500lbs should be the minimum pulling force to get started, and is a handy magnet to have as your backup. Not to be under-estimated, this is like your Spiderman of magnets.

800+ lbs (362kg) Pulling Force

A pull force of 800lbs will lift almost anything so you can’t go wrong with this. Trusted to always get the job done, this is your Hulk of magnets.

1000+ lbs (453kg) Pulling Force

With a pull force of more than 1000lbs, this is the magnet that Thanos would use if he went up against Magneto. If you love brute force then this is for you – you’ll dominate and leave nothing for anyone.

Double-sided Magnet

The tactician’s magnet for ninja magnet maneuvers. If strategy and planning is your thing and you believe that “every battle is won before it’s ever fought” then this magnet is definitely for you. This is like your Dr. Strange of magnets. No doubt, it does look strange.

Best Magnet For Magnet Fishing Reddit

Next Steps

Best Style Magnet For Magnet Fishing

Sheena iyengar blind. So you can see how each of these magnets have their place in your magnet fishing universe; you can use them individually or combine their use to create an even more powerful force. By now you should have a good idea which is the best magnet fishing magnet for you. Be sure to also check out our ultimate guide to magnet fishing which gives plenty of information about this great hobby.

Best Magnet For Magnet Fishing Videos

We hope you enjoyed this article – now get outside and have some fun.