Google Docs Markdown


Author: Alan Richardson

Docs to Markdown (GD2md-html) converts Google Docs to simple, readable Markdown or HTML. Love writing in Markdown, but need to turn it into formatted Google Docs documents? Preview Markdown is the best add-on of the three Markdown tools we tested in the Docs store. Just write Markdown formatted text in Google Docs, then open the Preview Markdown add-on to get a sidebar that shows your fully formatted text. Preview Markdown changes text written in Markdown to be compatible with Google. Copy your Markdown text into the add-on toolbar and adjust as needed, then copy and paste the new formatting into your document. Gd2md-html does the reverse of Preview Markdown and converts text from Google Docs into HTML or Markdown language. Thank you for your interest in GdocifyMd, a Google Docs add-on for converting / importing Markdown documents into Google Docs. # Features. Headings. Text formatting, including italic, bold.

I want to collaborate with people on Markdown based writing. Google Docs is a great collaborative writing environment. But it keeps adding formatting when I don’t want it to, so how can I use it to edit markdown. In this post I will tell you how to do that.


Cutting to the chase: type in your markdown and press ctrl+z everytime Google Doc adds formatting, save as .txt

Markdown is a text based writing markup language, which you feed into other programs to convert to pdf, html, slides, etc.

I use it all the time. Running the Markdown through Marp to create slides, for adhoc documents, and Pandoc for more formal documents.

I mainly use a subset of markdown.

When I am creating slides I only really use the following constructs

If Google docs can allow me to create the above then I would be fine.

Google drive markdown

There are Chrome plugins that claim to help with this. But I really want a no-addon approach.

What are the Google Docs Output options?

The following options look most promising.

  • Web Page (.html, zipped)
  • Plain text (.txt)
Google Docs Markdown

What happens if I create a doc and export as html?

Google Docs Markdown Download

I created a Google Doc - formatted as though it was the Markdown rendering.

I exported the .html as a zip from Google Docs.

Markdown Viewer Online

I tried to use online services to convert HTML to Markdown.

It didn’t completely work.

    • links are Googlised
    • bold and italics are missing
    • no image marker

Bonus: I learned that a horizontal line is also *** and not just ---

What happens if I create a doc and export as text?

Using the same Google Doc, I tried to export as text.

What works?

  • horizontal lines
  • links that are .com
  • bulleted lists

Nothing else.

But that defeats the point

The biggest pain of using Google Docs as a Markdown editor is the continual reformatting of what you type into formatted text. But if you get used to typing ctrl+z every time this happens then you will be fine. I experience a similar problem when I type Markdown directly into Evernote, although it doesn’t reformat the text quite as much.

  • bullets auto convert into bullets
    • this exports OK
    • or ctrl+z to remove formatting
  • images you will have to export as html
    • save as zipped html and find the images
    • publish as html and save the images
  • bold works fine
  • underscore works fine
  • end comments converts into a unicode graphic - cntrl+z fixes it

Save as .txt.

  • Paste the contents of .txt into
  • Open the .txt file into
  • Open the .txt file in Marp

Since I’m collaborating on a set of slides. Opening in Marp is my preferred option since I can see the actual slides generated.

It is possible to use Google Docs as a markdown editor, just remember to use ctrl+z a lot.

Google Sheets

I’m collaborating with someone who does not really know Markdown. So at the start of our shared Google Doc I have a comment which has these instructions in it.

You just have to take a little care. And since you get to edit as you share. That’s a price that seems fair.

Google Docs Markdown Form

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Google Docs Markdown Tool
